Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, whose gravity is so powerful it protects Earth and the inner solar system from the threat of incoming comets and asteroids. Jupiter’s cycles are regular, balanced and stable, its phases with the Sun span in even thirds around the sky, evoking the strength and stability of the triangle. Accordingly, Jupiter signifies benevolence, expansiveness, wealth, opportunity, stability, trust, faith, confirmation, friendship, gifts, talent, honors and wisdom. The condition of Jupiter at the time we were born says something about the quality of the year that we come from, where there is greatest excess and abundance, how we do the most good and how we are most blessed and honored.
Jupiter in Leo is in a fixed fire sign and takes on the qualities of its ruler, the Sun. This is someone for whom opportunity and abundance lies in their own noble, regal or grand self-presentation and style, their ability to self-promote and take charge. There can be a generosity and warmth of heart about them. There can also be an excessive faith in one’s self, leading to egotistical attitudes and hubris. Philosophically, they’re disposed towards questions of authority, whether it belongs in a few enlightened individuals or if it resides in each person, favoring ideas if they feel they came up with them or have their own distinguishing mark. They may have a benevolent authoritarian streak. You can be the sage, the professor, the fount of wisdom when called upon to lead or be center stage. This can be good for actors, entertainers, producers, directors, politicians, philanthropists, religious leaders, etc.
This is especially true if you were born with Leo, Sagittarius or Pisces rising. However, this can also describe others in your life who are relevant to the houses where Jupiter, Sagittarius and Pisces are placed. Whether you experience the better or worse significations of this position depends on whether you were born during the day or at night, and the kind of aspects it makes with the other planets.
To learn even more specific and customized information about your natal chart and ask questions about what it indicates for your past, present and future through the use of transits, profections and Zodiacal Releasing, schedule a consultation with me today!
Hi Patrick,
I am at the moment having a big crisis because I decided to be alone. So I’m getting to know myself better. I would like to know more about my astral chart I have Venus and Jupiter in Leo. ♌️ I would like more insight about these 2.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Giselle,
I’m sorry to hear that Giselle. Check out my availability for a general consultation on the Services tab and hopefully I’ll be able to help you soon.