It’s possible your Lot of Fortune could actually be in a different place in your chart. It’s complicated. Provided this is where your Lot of Fortune actually is, then the following would be true:
The Lot of Fortune is derived from its relationship between the Sun and Moon, projecting that same distance from the Ascendant, depending on whether you were born during the day or at night. This projection goes in the direction of the light of the sect to the light contrary to sect. Since the projection is made in the direction of the contrary to sect light, it represents a casting out into the contrary, the undefined, the unknown. Since the Lot of Fortune is in essence a lunar Lot, it embodies more of these passive principles to ultimately signify something about one’s circumstances outside of one’s control, the way the lots are cast, the way the dice are rolled, the weather.
With Fortune in Gemini, one’s general circumstances can be more variable and uncertain. You may feel some things come easier when they should be hard, and some things are harder when they should be easier. You may see causes as more random and in terms of polarities and exchanges. If Mercury is in Gemini, Virgo or Pisces, you may be more successful in this regard, additionally so if Venus and/or Jupiter make whole sign aspects into Gemini. Things may be more difficult if Mars and Saturn are present or form whole sign squares or oppositions into the sign. Meanwhile, if the Sun and Moon make whole sign aspects to Gemini, your circumstances are ultimately in line with or support your drive, desire and will, as well as your instincts, physical body and health. If Uranus, Neptune or Pluto form whole sign aspects into Gemini, they indicate the larger forces at play in your circumstances, what was revolutionary, mainstream or transformative at the time of your birth, respectively.
Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Fortune and its complementary Lot, the Lot of Spirit show you ups, downs and reversals in your will, action and circumstances.
To learn even more specific and customized information about your natal chart and ask questions about what it indicates for your past, present and future through the use of transits, profections and Zodiacal Releasing, schedule a consultation with me today!
Thank You
A lot of reading here and I do not understand!
I was born April 23 1960. My mother thinks 08:45. Perhaps is the closest time she recalls!
I just lost a love one, last night. My aunt
She was always a very very spiritual lady and she Gave it all up to God. Our maker!
Interesting. My aunts birthday is the same date of my marriage vows November 11. On Remembrance Day Also last year I lost my cousin and he was a wonderful man and a priest!