The Nodes are the points of intersection between the path of the Sun and the Moon. The North Node is always opposite of the South Node. The North Node is where the Moon begins to move northward of the Sun’s path, the South Node is where the Moon begins to move southward of the Sun’s path. Accordingly, the North Node signifies what topics are rising and emerging in the world, and the South Node signifies what topics are falling away and out of favor in the world. One has to let go of their selfish instincts and aspire toward cooperation and peace.
With the North Node in Libra, the Venusian notions of cooperation, compromise, equality, harmony, balance, peacemaking are on the rise. Correspondingly with the South Node in Aries, the Martial notions of selfishness, sovereignty, self-sufficiency, fighting for what’s yours are on the outs. The lessons of Libra are what will move you forward, the lessons of Aries are what will hold you back. One has to not be held back by some of their more selfish tendencies, they may find making peace, reaching compromise and reconciling conflicts and divisions is what they really have to do in order to forge ahead with their own purpose.
To learn even more specific and customized information about your natal chart and ask questions about what it indicates for your past, present and future through the use of transits, profections and Zodiacal Releasing, schedule a consultation with me today!