Pluto’s orbit is extremely eccentric, wildly off the ecliptic and sometimes closer to the Sun than Neptune, spending 14-31 years in a sign. It was discovered in 1930 at a time when fascism was ascendant in the world, when humanity gained awareness of fundamental atomic forces which if broken cause apocalyptic explosions. Accordingly, Pluto is a planet of extremes, making big things small and small things big. It’s also associated with tyranny and corruption, absolute control and absolute power, figuring into the charts of people who are movers and shakers in elite systems such as government, banking, corporate boardrooms. The condition of Pluto at the time of our birth shows what role we may play in our 14-31 year generation’s deconstruction and transformation in the topics of its sign and house placement.
Pluto in Sagittarius is in a mutable fire sign, empowering, warping, corrupting, deconstructing, transforming the topics of its ruler Jupiter, associated with wisdom, knowledge, the expansion of one’s horizons, faith, religion, excess, wealth. So Pluto in Sagittarius empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as zealous and wise as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational pioneers and prophets.
People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1995-2008 Pluto in Sagittarius period saw centers of knowledge like encyclopedias, libraries and newspapers fundamentally transformed and globally digitized through the Information Superhighway, also known as the Internet. Print media died, books have been replaced by Kindles and PDF’s, and the encyclopedia was replaced by projects like Wikipedia. This was the era of the dot-com boom, when scrappy internet startups eventually became the monolithic corporate overlords of today who know far too much about us, such as Google and Facebook. This period also saw parallel religious/philosophical polarization and extremism among Muslims, Christians and New Atheists, especially in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. This generation will be capable of amassing incredible wealth, faith and wisdom, but it will also have to ward against extremism and fundamentalism. Knowledge is power, and this generation may prove it can be abused.
This is especially true if you were born with Sagittarius rising. Whether you experience the better or worse significations of this position depends on the kind of aspects it makes with the other planets.
To learn even more specific and customized information about your natal chart and ask questions about what it indicates for your past, present and future through the use of transits, profections and Zodiacal Releasing, schedule a consultation with me today!