How well can you see in the dark? The sun is what our world revolves around, what gives our planet light, warmth and life. The light of the sun allows us to see and make sense of our surroundings. Every year, the Earth comes to the same spot relative to the Sun, and we have organized our calendars and celebrations to this cycle. As a result, our world figuratively and literally revolves around the Sun. The sign the Sun was in at your birth tells you what season your life revolves around, the way you individuate yourself, your own “light” that you shine forth.
Pisces is a nocturnal mutable water sign ruled by Jupiter, which means that a person born when the Sun was in Pisces individuates themselves in a way that is characteristic of Jupiter. It’s the sign of the dreamer, the guru, the hippie. They’re mysterious, mesmerizing and muddled. They’re sensitive, spiritual, self-sacrificing, escapist, surreal and spacey. And while they can be far out, fluid, philosophical and forgiving, they can also be flaky, foolish and sometimes, downright fishy.
The image of Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, so people with the Sun in Pisces tend to be more fluid, flexible, open to change. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, which gives Pisces the spiritual and philosophical dimension which it shares with the other sign ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius. Jupiter searches for truth with the precision of an arrow in Sagittarius, aiming ever higher to get the bigger picture, while in Pisces, Jupiter plumbs the depths of the ocean, the dark and unknown, embracing the truth of paradoxes, multivalences and mystery.
The Sun is in Pisces for most of Lent each year, which begins with a gaudy binge of excess at Mardi Gras followed by an introspective, reflective period of prayer and abstention. Curiously, Pisces is associated with the feet, so sometimes they have distinctive maladies or quirks in this area of the body.
This is especially true if you were born during the day and/or with Leo or Pisces Rising. If you were born at night, you may identify more with your Moon sign.
To learn even more specific and customized information about your natal chart and ask questions about what it indicates for your past, present and future through the use of transits, profections and Zodiacal Releasing, schedule a consultation with me today!