As the Earth revolves around the Sun, so does the Moon revolve around the Earth. While our Sun sign tells us what “season” of the year we come from, our Moon sign and its relationship to the Sun tells us what “time of the month” we come from. The Moon’s phases pulse with the tides, like breathing in and out, like a flower opening and closing. While the Sun rules the day representing our outward expression and visible public lives, the Moon rules the night, representing our inner private lives, where we absorb and reflect our inherited circumstances and surroundings: our habits, instincts, emotions, patterns, comforts, our bodies, our origins, our mothers.
The Moon in Capricorn is in a cardinal earth sign and takes on the qualities of its ruler, Saturn. So the Moon in Capricorn is more serious, deliberate and tough. People with this placement can struggle with feeling validated and may be shy or prefer being alone for stretches of time. It can take someone with the Moon in Capricorn a long time to let their guard down around others. While this position is stereotyped to be depressive, there can also be the tendency to be emotionally tough and resilient, sidelining their personal feelings to get tasks accomplished and focusing on the greater goal. Sometimes this can be linked back to early experiences where openly expressing one’s emotions freely was not permitted.
This is especially true if you were born at night and/or with Cancer or Capricorn Rising. If you were born at night you will tend to exhibit more of the positive qualities of this placement, and potentially more than your Sun sign. If you were born during the day you will tend to exhibit more of the difficulties associated with this placement and identify more with your Sun sign.
To learn even more specific and customized information about your natal chart and ask questions about what it indicates for your past, present and future through the use of transits, profections and Zodiacal Releasing, schedule a consultation with me today!