A History of Pluto Through the Zodiac

I recently finished interpretations for every planet in every sign, house and aspect. Over the course of writing it, I put some thought into placements I have rarely seen. Since Pluto takes nearly 2 and a half centuries to go around the Sun, I don’t get many clients with Pluto in Pisces from the 19th century, y’know? I’ve been a bit underwhelmed by online resources about Pluto in the signs, so I thought it would be nice to have this out there as a reference or at least a good starting point for thinking about Pluto in the signs. Pardon the US-centricity of the following

First of all, what’s Pluto about again?

That’s how far off the ecliptic Pluto is compared to the other planets.

Pluto’s orbit is extremely eccentric, wildly off the ecliptic and sometimes closer to the Sun than Neptune, spending 14-31 years in a sign. It was discovered in 1930 at a time when fascism was ascendant in the world, when humanity gained awareness of fundamental atomic forces which if broken cause apocalyptic explosions. Accordingly, Pluto is popularly associated with the notion of extremes, making big things small and small things big. It’s also associated with tyranny and corruption, absolute control and absolute power, movers and shakers in elite systems such as government, banking corporate boardrooms. When it transits through signs of the zodiac, it empowers, warps, distorts, corrupts, deconstructs and transforms the topics of the planet that rules the sign. Astrologers are often wary of Pluto transits which can be traumatic and portend upheavals, transformations, deaths and rebirths of a sort.

Pluto in Aries

This cardinal fire sign is ruled by Mars, associated with boldness, courage, bravery, passion, but also violence, treachery, villainy. So Pluto in Aries empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as bold, entrepreneurial, rough and tumble, hardscrabble as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto in Aries to more personal planets and points may stand out as their cowboys and rugged individualists.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1822-1853 Pluto in Aries period distorted the notions of leadership, entrepreneurship and courage into tyranny, exploitation and villainy. “Manifest Destiny” resulted in the mass forced relocations and genocide of Native American peoples as the white Americans aggressively expanded westward for new territory, and the tensions over the enslavement of Africans was reaching a boiling point. Many robber barons, outlaws and gunslingers of the old west were born in this period. Several prominent gun manufacturers have their origins in this era, such as Smith & Wesson, Colt and Winchester. The handles of these guns from the 19th century were often constructed using ram’s horn, and the image of Aries is a ram! In short, Pluto in Aries was the savagery and cruelty by which the rugged individualism, violence and lawlessness of the Wild West was born.

Pluto in Taurus

This fixed earth sign is ruled by Venus, associated with material value, the senses, property, luxury, patience, object permanence. So Pluto in Taurus empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as materialistic, leisurely and down to earth as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their industrialists and homesteaders.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1852-1884 Pluto in Taurus period transformed the notion of property and value, producing extreme wealth, poverty and opportunity. On August 20th 1619, the first Africans were brought to the American continent as slaves when Pluto was at 12 Taurus. When Pluto reached that degree again in 1863, Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation had granted freedom to Americans in slavery, striking a fatal blow at the twisted concept of property that slavery entails.

While legal slavery was abolished, sharecropping and wage slavery of an increasingly industrial economy tied people down with subsistence living, poverty and debt. At the same time, the most influential of the Homestead Acts were passed, enacting the Free Soiler’s wishes of freely granting millions of acres of land to all those who applied those who had not joined the Confederacy. The mass migration of settlers moving westward to take advantage of the opportunity tamed the Wild West.

At the same time, the wealth generated by the Second Industrial Revolution of this period was consolidated by monopolizing “captains of industry” and corrupt “robber barons”, fantastically enriching corporations and their leaders to an unprecedented degree. This is also when the National Banking Acts were passed, establishing the current system of state and federal banks. This is also when the New York Stock Exchange first opened on Wall Street, which would become a global financial center over the next century. A favorable market for investors is called “bullish”, and the statue of a charging bull can even be found in New York’s financial district. The image of Taurus is a bull!

Pluto in Gemini

This mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, associated with communication, language, calculation, mutability, ambiguity and duality. So Pluto in Gemini empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as intellectual iconoclasts as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational writers and communicators.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1882-1914 Pluto in Gemini period transformed the Mercurial notions of communication, duality and indeterminacy. This particular Pluto in Gemini period was especially dramatic because of Neptune’s concurrent transit through Gemini and its conjunction to Pluto from 1887-1902. In general, the Neptune-Pluto conjunction accounts for the remarkable dynamic of empowered imagination and the blurring of boundaries, with profound impacts in accord with the nature of the sign.

The telephone became mainstream, the radio was invented, the phonograph was first commercialized, bringing music into people’s homes for the first time. This is the beginning of the era of mass communication and mass media, bringing the first nationally syndicated magazines, enabling the distribution of standardized information and entertainment which also revolutionized advertising. The invention of the telephone in particular utterly transformed the nature of communication heading into the 20th century, facilitating global communications and blurring the boundaries of time and space between people in an unprecedented way. This is when the twin theories of Einstein’s relativity and Planck’s quantum physics emerged, which overturned classical mechanics while destabilizing and relativizing our understanding of time, space, energy and matter. In short, Pluto in Gemini was the mathematical dialogue of the tension of opposites and paradoxes that furthered understanding and communication about our world.

Pluto in Cancer

Here’s my Spam recipe. Step 1: Throw in trash. Enjoy.

This cardinal water sign is ruled by the Moon, associated with community and tribe, parenthood and domesticity, sustenance and nutrition. So Pluto in Cancer empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as wholesome, communitarian and service-oriented as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational caretakers and protectors.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1914-1939 Pluto in Cancer period distorted love of country into nationalist tribalism and fascism in WWI and its aftermath. It transformed the role of women and mothers as women’s suffrage was first recognized in many countries in this time. It featured the first industrialized, processed, canned and frozen foods, followed by food shortages and rations during the Great Depression. This fundamentally and traumatically altered the relationship between people and their food, between markets and farms with the government and impacted everyday food preparation in the domestic sphere.

Pluto in Leo

This fixed fire sign is ruled by the Sun, associated with lights, royalty, leaders, stars of the entertainment industry, heroes, people in places of high visibility and power. So Pluto in Leo empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as proud and regal as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their rock gods and superstars.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1937-1958 Pluto in Leo period empowered and distorted global leaders into twisted evil or benevolent dictators, such as Hitler and Roosevelt. With the awesome and terrifying explosions of nuclear bombs, WWII ended. This resulted in a massive explosion in birth rates, producing the Baby Boomers, the supremely confident and willful Pluto in Leo generation. Kings and queens of the golden age of Hollywood were enthroned, and the first superhero comics were published in this period, often reflecting the hopes and fears of the Atomic Age. In short, Pluto in Leo was a blinding flash of light that burned brightly in its children through the following decades. Destroying everything in its path.

Pluto in Virgo

This mutable earth sign is ruled by Mercury, associated with practicality, technicality, modesty, the pursuit of perfection, work ethic and the pride of service. So Pluto in Virgo empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as prudent and conscientious as a group, potentially leading the way toward Earth’s ecological renewal and sensible management of its resources. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational stewards and troubleshooters.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1956-1972 Pluto in Virgo period transformed the Mercurial notions of calculation, duty, service, stewardship. This particular Pluto in Virgo period was especially dramatic because of Uranus’s concurrent transit through Virgo and its conjunction to Pluto from 1962-1969. In general, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction accounts for the remarkable dynamic of empowered liberation and individualism of the 1960’s, and profound impacts in accord with the nature of the sign.

The period featured a Plutonic focus on several interconnected Virgoan themes and topics. This period featured the invention of the pocket calculator, the first ATM, the first easy-to-use programming language of BASIC, the invention of the first prototype of the Internet, the first email sent, the first hypertext link, the first mouse click, the first supercomputer. Virgo has medical associations, and it was also when Medicare and Medicaid were established, extending subsidized medical care for the elderly and poor.

The modern environmental movement developed in this period through apocalyptic claims in the books “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson and “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich. They marshaled numbers and facts which supported the likelihood of deadly scenarios of ecological devastation. This increased awareness led to the banning of certain pesticides and the establishment of Greenpeace, the Environmental Protection Agency and Earth Day. Rachel Carson suggested the way to save the environment would be humility before nature and self-control over our appetite for nature’s resources, consistent with the Virgoan penchant for modesty, purity, prudence and practicality.

Pluto in Libra

This cardinal air sign is ruled by Venus, associated with balance, relationships, equality, peace, harmony, beauty, love. So Pluto in Libra empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as being unbalanced against imbalances, or redefining balances as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational rebel hearts for harmony, equality, justice.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1971-1984 Pluto in Libra period coincided with Uranus’s co-presence in the sign from 1971-1976. This period roughly corresponded to the divorce revolution of the 1970’s generated by the legalization of no-fault divorces, and a transformation in traditional gender roles with the legalization of abortion and the beginning of the modern gay rights movement. This was also when the campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment was in full swing, and also when it was defeated by turning women against each other. Feminists were also turned against each other, with the late 70’s and early 80’s featuring the Feminist Sex Wars, as anti-porn feminists squared off against sex-positive feminists on issues such as pornography, prostitution, BDSM, etc. This was also the height of Libran John Lennon’s peace activism, releasing songs such as “Imagine” and “Give Peace a Chance” which became associated with the anti-war movement of this period.

Pluto in Scorpio

Sun conjunct Pluto in Scorpio, Colin Kaepernick

This fixed water sign is ruled by Mars, associated with the profane, obscene and scary, as well as combativeness, dark matters and secrecy. So Pluto in Scorpio empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. Scorpio is the sign Pluto spends the least time in, which has some interesting implications for its transit through this sign. The last time Pluto was in Scorpio was from 1983-1995, roughly spanning the period sociologists assign to the birth of the oft-maligned and misunderstood millennial generation. What’s so Scorpio-like about millennials? They’re a generation of children brought up on Harry Potter, and show more interest in the occult and witchcraft than organized religion. Addictions to the horror series Goosebumps as kids has led to millennial fascinations with horror genres, zombie apocalypse scenarios in particular. They turned Tim Burton’s charmingly macabre “Nightmare Before Christmas” into a cult hit. In their teens they were emo and shopped at Hot Topic.

Since Scorpio is ruled by Mars which rules blades, cuts and scars, it’s interesting to see how millennials have distinguished themselves by largely embracing and mainstreaming tattoos and piercings, even in the workplace. The millennials were the first generation to go to school as mass shootings at schools became a tragically common phenomenon. Pluto makes big things small and small things big, accordingly millennial sensitivity to trauma, triggers and microaggressions have led to debates about whether it’s more extreme to allow hate speech or too extreme to protect others from it. This generation may have its demons, but in time, millennials may prove themselves to be ruthless, brave, savage, fearsome and uncompromising as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational iconoclasts and resisters.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1983-1995 Pluto in Scorpio period distorted the notions of aggression, danger and covert warfare into apocalyptic arms races and other close encounters with death on a grand scale. The fear of nuclear war reached a new height with the terrifying realistic depiction of a nuclear attack in the movie “The Day After”, as well as the actual real-life close calls with nuclear war between the US and Soviet Union in the same timeframe. The Chernobyl disaster also underlined the grave danger posed by nuclear power. AIDS killed millions through sex and the transmission of blood.

On a pop culture level, this is when many classic cult horror movies were released, but even more family friendly movies took a turn toward the dark, gory and supernatural, with movies like Ghostbusters and Gremlins, and Tim Burton was at the height of his powers in crafting dark, gothic fairy tales. Pluto in Scorpio also featured the advent of industrial music, a dark and extreme rage-filled anti-musical art form that was characterized by a focus on transgressive, violent, sexual and disturbing topics and themes, use of shock tactics, employment of noise music and a flirtation with fascist iconography and the occult, typified by acts such as Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails. In short, Pluto in Scorpio was when we stared down the abyss to see apocalypse staring back, and we quickly moved on.

Pluto in Sagittarius

This mutable fire sign is ruled by Jupiter, associated with wisdom, knowledge, the expansion of one’s horizons, faith, religion, excess, wealth.  So Pluto in Sagittarius empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as zealous and wise as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational pioneers and prophets.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1995-2008 Pluto in Sagittarius period saw centers of knowledge like encyclopedias, libraries and newspapers fundamentally transformed and globally digitized through the Information Superhighway, also known as the Internet. Print media died, books have been replaced by Kindles and PDF’s, and the encyclopedia was replaced by projects like Wikipedia. This was the era of the dot-com boom, when scrappy internet startups eventually became the monolithic corporate overlords of today who know far too much about us, such as Google and Facebook. This period also saw parallel religious/philosophical polarization and extremism among Muslims, Christians and New Atheists, especially in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. This generation will be capable of amassing incredible wealth, faith and wisdom, but it will also have to ward against extremism and fundamentalism. Knowledge is power, and this generation may prove it can be abused.

Pluto in Capricorn

This is a fake picture. There really was a sinkhole but it didn’t look like this.

This cardinal earth sign is ruled by Saturn, associated with systematization and structure, the status quo, the old guard, law and punishment. So Pluto in Capricorn empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as ambitious and determined as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational architects and professionals.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1762-1778 Pluto in Capricorn period featured the beginning of the American Revolution, a time when the most powerful empire in the world was taken down a peg, and a new power arose. The current 2008-2024 Pluto in Capricorn period has seen all entrenched powers get rattled by the square from Uranus, over the course of the 2008 economic crash, Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring, Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, Brexit, the 2016 election, etc. At the same time, governments around the world have been trending toward corruption, crony capitalism, oligarchies, authoritarianism. The United States of America will reach its Pluto return in 2022, meanwhile China is ascendant. The most powerful have the most to lose, and the scrappiest and hungriest have the most to gain.

Pluto in Aquarius

Bleep bloop your freedom is unnecessary bleep bloop

This fixed air sign is ruled by Saturn, associated with cold rationality, detachment, abstraction, stoicism. So Pluto in Aquarius empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as utilitarian, defiant and skeptical as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational non-conformists, abstract theorists and antiheroes.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1778-1798 Pluto in Aquarius period transformed the Saturnian notions of reason and skepticism into the establishment of abstract structures of profound significance. This period featured the ratification of the United States Constitution and the formation of the global metric system. This period was the pinnacle of the Enlightenment-inspired clean harmonies and ordered structure of the Classical music era, when Mozart (an Aquarius), Haydn and others were at the height of their powers. This is when Jeremy Bentham (an Aquarius) released his theory of utilitarianism, a wholly secular legal and moral system. Uranus’s opposition to Pluto in this time coincided with the French Revolution, often pointed to as an example of Enlightenment rationalism run amok. The 2023-2044 Pluto in Aquarius period will likely fundamentally transform and reform abstract systems of law and measurement on rational, scientific, secular or algorithmic grounds.

Pluto in Pisces

“Wanderer above the Sea of Fog” by Caspar David Friedrich. Considered a representative work of the Romantic Era. Also it looks like a movie poster.

This mutable water sign is ruled by Jupiter, associated with spiritualism, inspiration, belief, visions, dreams. So Pluto in Pisces empowered, warped, distorted, corrupted, deconstructed and transformed these significations. People from this span of time may stand out as inspired and spiritual as a group. Individuals with aspects from Pluto to more personal planets and points may stand out as their transformational gurus, artists and dreamers.

People also take on characteristics of the time they come from. Accordingly, the 1797-1823 Pluto in Pisces period transformed the resource of water with profound impacts, powering travel by rail and across the ocean through the first high-pressure steam engines appearing in this period. This time roughly corresponds with Napoleon’s rise and fall as he pursued the dream of France becoming a new Roman Empire, spreading liberal reforms wherever the Napoleonic Code was in effect. This was the beginning of the Romantic era, a reaction against the strict rationalism of the Enlightenment, embracing the Piscean boundlessness of free expression, unbridled emotion, solitary meditative connection with nature, myth, mystery and the supernatural. This was also when Beethoven began to lose his hearing and composed his most powerful and celebrated music, the soundtrack of the Romantic era.

I hope this has been as interesting to you reading it as it has been for me making it. Let me know how you see Pluto operating through the signs!

55 thoughts on “A History of Pluto Through the Zodiac”

    1. Patrick Watson

      Thank you so much Ashley! I’ve been a bit underwhelmed by interpretations of Pluto as well, I hope this gives people some sort of jumping off point for thinking about Pluto in the signs.

      1. Thank you for this article about Pluto. You delivered a lot of information in a concise, easy-to-understand, format. Well done and much appreciated.
        Kitty Hatcher (Professional astrologer for 45 years.)

      2. SO SO helpful thank you! Have been investigating and curious about the impact of Pluto in different signs because the period that corresponds to Pluto in Capricorn was by far the worst and most harrowing of my life – lost both parents, massive career changes and upheavals, etc. Now that I read through this, I am gobsmacked by how clearly the themes of Pluto in each sign directly correlate to the overarching themes of my life through each era (born in 1973) Is there any plausible explanation for why it might impact one person in such a directly correlative way? I’m trying to use this understanding to better prepare now for Pluto In Aquarius.

        1. As someone born in ’76, I can relate to your experiences. During Pluto in Capricorn I’ve been dealing with multiple family issues, some in general, some much more personal. A lot of Pluto’s influence has to do with what house it was transiting and what aspects it was forming during that transit. Do you have a strong Pluto placement in your chart(s) (birth/transit)? I have Pluto in a stellium that sits right on the Ascendant. It includes Mercury, Venus, and Mars and let’s just say it hasn’t been an enjoyable or easily managed stellium. Others might not have any Pluto contacts with personal planets so the effect might be felt generationally.

          As for Pluto in Aquarius, I think the most obvious influences have been in tech (AI) and politics (concepts of what liberty and freedom mean and how they are applied). As for how you prepare for Pluto, look to what house it will be transiting through while in Aquarius and that will pinpoint how Pluto’s penchant for upheaval might affect you. In my case, I have no planets in the 4th or 5th house, which are ruled by Cap and Aqua, respectively, but because of my stellium, I feel Pluto’s energy more when it changes signs, but that energy becomes more focused when it enters a house or makes a contact.

          Hope this helps.

        2. You probably have a stellium in Capricorn, Cancer (the opposing sign) or both. A stellium is 4 or more placements in a particular sign. Download your birth chart (including asteroids from the Roman family of names, i.e. Ceres, Psyche, Bacchus, etc.). Then see if you have Cap/Cancer stelliums.

          1. Omg I do have a cancer stellium. Saturn, Mercury, descendant, & south node.
            North node is in capricorn. I haven’t done the asteroid version of my chart but was eager to tell you you’re already correct with what I do know. Thank you- I’m so trying to understand just to get some faith back that things can get better!!

          2. I think Sah meant planets, not placements, when referring to what makes up a stellium. Asteroids, nodes, cusps (IC, MC, AC, DC), etc. are not constituents of a stellium, just planets.

          3. Ah ok, then the only stellium I have is Libra/10th house: Moon, Pluto, and Uranus. Could having Pluto there in a stellium have had an impact?

          4. Without seeing your chart, I asked PerplexityAI about your stellium and this is what it produced:

            A Libra 10th house stellium consisting of the Moon, Pluto, and Uranus would have the following potential implications for your career and public image: Moon in Libra in the 10th house suggests you have a strong desire to be liked and admired in your career and public life. You likely put a lot of effort into maintaining harmonious relationships with colleagues and the public. Your emotions and sense of security are tied to your professional reputation. Pluto in Libra in the 10th house indicates your career and public persona undergo periodic intense transformations and power struggles. You may be known for your ability to handle crises and emerge renewed. There could be an obsessive quality to how you pursue success and status. Uranus in Libra in the 10th house points to your career path being unconventional, innovative and potentially disruptive to the status quo. You may frequently change jobs or career directions in unexpected ways. Your public image is likely seen as unique, progressive and ahead of its time. With this potent 10th house stellium, your career and public reputation are huge driving forces in your life. The Libra influence suggests a strong focus on relating to others, maintaining balance, and striving for harmony even amidst the intensity of Pluto and unpredictability of Uranus. Your professional ambitions and public persona are colored by a desire to transform societal norms while still being widely liked and admired.

            This of course is perhaps overly simplified. As you are likely keenly aware of, when one planet in a stellium is activated (transits), they all activate, are influenced by the aspects they make to each other and to a lesser extent aspects to other planets, etc. I would recommend that when dealing with stellium issues, you find some sort of activity that helps you sort the influences out. Clarity is key to living with a stellium and it’s a lifelong necessity. Hope this helps 🙂

    1. The sexual Revolution really began with Pluto in Leo. Jazz, Rick n Roll, big hair, Playboy magazine, sexy movies, posters & a car as a place to have sex!

  1. Patrick,
    Enjoyed reading Pluto through the signs. Recently, perhaps like many of us, I have become very interested in the Pluto cycles. With a birthday in 1946, I have experienced Pluto through six signs, and possibly seven, as Pluto’s time in each sign was relatively short. Looking ahead, Pluto will be in a sign for 22-28 years, meaning a person most likely will experience Pluto in only 3-4 signs. Living through slower moving cycles.

    I felt all your comments were insightful and accurate. The exception being Pluto in Scorpio. The money and power issue was not addressed. Those were the years when resources, thus the power, became concentrated, in the hands of the few–large corporations with the finances to back political candidates to ensure it would always be so. The trickle down economics. My guess, since you focused more on the social side and the millennials, that you were describing your experience being a Pluto in Scorpio. Not a negative, just an observation. And could be wrong. Virgos just like guessing these things.

    Thanks for all the great work you have done here.
    Much appreciated.

    1. Also, the sex aspects of Scorpio I feel were absent. I have Pluto conj. Asc., Merc, Venus, and Mars. I can tell you that whenever Pluto has changed signs it has impacted me significantly. I was sexually abused when Pluto entered Scorpio and again right before it exited. I suspect there are a lot of sexual abuse survivors out there, not to mention those that have been trafficked. Some likely became perpetrators themselves.

      1. Also not mentioned was the transmission of aids out of Africa to the West first became news in 1984 and intensified until 1996 when Pluto entered Sagittarius and it gradually dropped out of the news being replaced by sex scandals involving religion (Sagittarius).

  2. I like your work. I had this same idea of taking history through the signs as far back as 2000. I use it to predict the future. This nation was born when Pluto was in Aquarius and will end then too. Google the George Washington vision he had at Valley Forge. I believe you will see internal wars break out around 2022 and the UN will come in to help. The beast that comes out of the water that has 7 heads and 10 horns. See the book of Revelation chapter 13. Russia and China are a part of the UN. They will come to help but will latter attack us after they see our weakness. They are the beast that comes out of the land that has 2 horns. Russia and China are surrounded by land verses the UN which came from the nations of Europe surrounded by the Medeteranian Sea. Per the George Washington vision we eventualy win again. George Washington Gave America This Advice the First Time He Tried to Retire | HISTORY
    https://www.history.com/news/george-washington-resignation-circular-letter If you want to know what other significant occurances happend when Pluto was in Pisces and Aries feel free to email me.

  3. I like your work. I had this same idea of taking history through the signs as far back as 2000. I use it to predict the future. This nation was born when Pluto was in Aquarius and will end then too. Google the George Washington vision he had at Valley Forge. I believe you will see internal wars break out around 2022 and the UN will come in to help. The beast that comes out of the water that has 7 heads and 10 horns. See the book of Revelation chapter 13. Russia and China are a part of the UN. They will come to help but will latter attack us after they see our weakness. They are the beast that comes out of the land that has 2 horns. Russia and China are surrounded by land verses the UN which came from the nations of Europe surrounded by the Medeteranian Sea. Per the Geoge Washington vision. Historic Valley forge
    https://www.ushistory.org/ValleyForge/washington/vision.html#:~:text=Let%20every%20child%20of%20the,destiny%20of%20the%20United%20States. If you want to know what other significant occurances happend when Pluto was in Pisces and Aries feel free to email me. Use this one not the first.

  4. Excellent! Thank you for this. I was really hoping for a Prophecy of Doom during the current transit but this was very enlightening nonetheless.

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  33. The Pluto in Pisces era was also the sign of Joseph Smith and many of his apostles. He would eventually create the mormon church. He basically tore down and reconstructed spirituality and religion. He was also a practicer of folk magic, which is where the seer stones came from.

  34. Pingback: Happy Aries/New Moon, Spring Equinox Pluto into Aquarius! | Cerena Childress, Astrologer!

  35. Pingback: Happy Aries/Spring Equinox, New Moon, Pluto Aquarius! | Cerena Childress, Astrologer!

  36. Pingback: Happy Taurus, Earth, Arbor & Mother’s Day! | Cerena Childress, Astrologer!

  37. Pingback: Happy Gemini, Memorial Day, Father’s Day! Congratulations Proud Grads & Loved Ones! | Cerena Childress, Astrologer!

  38. Dear Patrick,
    Thank you for this article. It is very insightful.
    Could you or somebody from here whoever would read the comments tell me his/hers view on it how this and future transit of Pluto in Aqua would impact the natives born under Saturn sign of an aqua? Would it be harder or maybe softer to them? I see it as a clash of titans. Two strong planets, one represents the karma and the other – faith…

  39. Pingback: New Dragon Moon, Aquarius, and Pluto – Mattatron.ai

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