Patrick Watson

Join my new astrological social media site, Third House!

A new astrology-centered social media website now exists: Third House at Like you, my enthusiasm for Twitter definitely fell off a cliff after the Great Muskening, and a suitable alternative had not yet emerged. Along with my collaborators Nick Dagan Best and John Streaker, we figured we might just have to make one ourselves.

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Birth Time Rectification Course Launched!

Rectification is the practice of using astrological techniques to figure out someone’s birth time, especially when it’s unknown or uncertain. I consider it to be one of the hardest things an astrologer can do, because it requires such a strong foundation in natal astrology in order to reverse-engineer a natal chart. Indeed, rectification is essentially

Birth Time Rectification Course Launched! Read More »

Using Annual Profections to Predict the 2022 French Presidential Election

[UPDATE April 25th 2022 – Emmanuel Macron won re-election. I got it right! Maybe you could say it’s not very impressive because there was a 50/50 chance of being correct, or that Macron was always favored to win, but my prediction was only based on astrological considerations.] In this article I’m going to try to

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To the Moon: Lunar Transits to the Natal Chart of Dogecoin

I should probably preface everything I’m about to say with the emphatic statement that I am not giving financial advice here, I am merely noting correlations. I started dipping my toes into financial astrology a couple of years ago, and it’s been a pretty steep learning curve, both for learning more about how markets work

To the Moon: Lunar Transits to the Natal Chart of Dogecoin Read More »

Premature Enquiration: Early Ascendant Degrees in Horary Astrology

When you ask a horary question, it should ideally be asked about a specific, developing, urgent concern. It shouldn’t just be a question borne out of idle curiosity, it should be spurred by the emergence of some pressing matter or event that is imminent or unfolding. I wrote about how to ask good horary questions

Premature Enquiration: Early Ascendant Degrees in Horary Astrology Read More »

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