Birth Times of the 2016 US Presidential Candidates



Jeb Bush
Full name: John Ellis Bush
Birth date/place: February 11, 1953, Midland, Texas
Birth time: 8:50 pm, Rodden Rating: A
TX birth certificate policies: “Texas Vital Statistics, Dept of Health Records kept from January 1, 1903. Time recorded from 1917. Access restricted except for records prior to 75 years ago.” However, Texas’ Dept of Health Records has been known to give the birth time over the phone if you call and ask, as this is how Rick Perry’s birth time was retrieved.
Remaining options: Calling Texas’ Dept of Health Records, Newspaper birth announcements
Notes: While AstroDataBank gives it a Rodden Rating of A, I think it’s suspicious that Lois Rodden would have gotten 7 am from Bush’s wife and then Bush himself was under the impression that he was born in the morning before giving a completely different answer. While it’s altogether possible that he may have simply misremembered, I would not presume it to be impossible that a politician might purposely give a misleading birth time, especially if they were aware of the reason they were being asked. I implore the astrological community to proceed with caution with Bush’s data until it can be corroborated.
Jeb Bush ADB page


Ben Carson
Full name: Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr.
Birth date/place: September 18, 1951, Detroit, MI
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
MI birth certificate policies: Office of State Registrar and Center for Health Statistics. Access restricted. Records kept from January 1, 1867; Detroit records from 1893. Time given from 1906-1949 and 1968-present; no times on birth records from 1950-67.
Remaining options: Asking Ben Carson directly, Newspaper birth announcements (although if there was no time on the birth record there may not be one in the birth announcement).


Chris Christie

Full name: Christopher James Christie
Birth date/place: September 6th 1962, Newark, NJ
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
NJ birth certificate policies: “NJ Department of Health and Senior Services. Records kept from May, 1848-May 1878 in State Archives, then State Registrar. Time recorded from 1920. Access available for non-certified copies, but the fees are the highest in the country, and service is terrible and slow. It took five months for one request to be filled in 2005. Romy writes, “The best way to get a B.C. with a time of birth is to send to the state office in Trenton because many of the counties have indexed information which may or may not have a time. When a record from the State Office has no time, then there never was one. Marc Penfield has an answer from New Brunswick Health Dept that states No time for births prior to July 1963.”
Notes: There is an inconsistency here – If times are recorded after 1920 then how could there be no times of birth recorded prior to July 1963? Unfortunately, Christie was born less than a year before this cutoff, so it’s likely there is no time on his birth certificate. Ordering a non-certified copy of his birth certificate would still be prudent.
Remaining options: Ordering a non-certified copy of his birth certificate here, Newspaper birth announcements, Asking Chris Christie directly


Ted Cruz

Full name: Rafael Edward Cruz
Birth date/place: December 22, 1970, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
Notes: Ted Cruz released his birth certificate but it does not have the time.
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcements, Asking Ted Cruz or family directly
Ted Cruz ADB page


Carly Fiorina
Full name: Cara Carleton Sneed
Birth date/place: September 6th, 1954, Austin, Texas
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
TX birth certificate policies: “Texas Vital Statistics, Dept of Health Records kept from January 1, 1903. Time recorded from 1917. Access restricted except for records prior to 75 years ago.” However, Texas’ Dept of Health Records has been known to give the birth time over the phone if you call and ask, as this is how Rick Perry’s birth time was retrieved.
Remaining options: Calling the Texas Dept of Health Records and just asking, Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Carly Fiorina herself
Carly Fiorina ADB page


Lindsey Graham
Full name: Lindsey Olin Graham
Birth date/place: July 9, 1955, Central, South Carolina
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
SC birth certificate policies: Vital Records Section, Office of Vital Records & Public Health. Records kept from January 1, 1915; prior to that, Town Clerk. Time recorded 1933-1956 and 1961 to present. Access restricted.
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Lindsey Graham directly


Mike Huckabee
Full name: Michael Dale Huckabee
Birth date/place: August 24, 1955, Hope, Arkansas
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
AR birth certificate policies: Vital Records Clerk, Arkansas Dept of Health. Records were kept from February 1, 1914. Some areas kept records back to 1881 but without birth time. Access restricted. (For those with a legal right to a birth certificate, Romy Ransom writes, “You have to ask for the long form. From 1970 to present they have computerized copies with no time of birth.”)
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Mike Huckabee directly
Mike Huckabee ADB page


Bobby Jindal

Full name: Piyush Jindal
Birth date/place: June 10th, 1971, Baton Rouge, LA
Birth time: 12:27 pm, Rodden Rating: AA
Bobby Jindal ADB page


John Kasich

Full name: John Richard Kasich
Birth date/place: May 13th 1952, McKees Rocks, PA
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
PA birth certificate policies: Vital Records, State Dept of Health Records kept from January 1, 1903; prior to that, county seat. Time inconsistently recorded. Access restricted. Pennsylvania birth times are confusing and may be recorded in standard time even though daylight time was in effect. The PA Time Project is under construction by Amanda Owen:, to investigate the morass of confusion from county to county.
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking John Kasich directly


Rand Paul

Full name: Randall Howard Paul
Birth date/place: January 7th 1963, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
PA birth certificate policies: Vital Records, State Dept of Health Records kept from January 1, 1903; prior to that, county seat. Time inconsistently recorded. Access restricted. Pennsylvania birth times are confusing and may be recorded in standard time even though daylight time was in effect. The PA Time Project is under construction by Amanda Owen:, to investigate the morass of confusion from county to county.
Remaining options: Ask Rand Paul directly, Newspaper birth announcements


George Pataki

Full name: George Elmer Pataki
Birth date/place: June 24th, 1945, Peekskill, New York
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
NY birth certificate policies: “Vital Records Section, NY State Dept of Health. Records kept from 1914; prior since 1880 in the City Registrar where the birth occurred. Times may be recorded as early as 1900. Access available for births prior to 75 years ago and known to be deceased. Takes two to three months.”
Remaining options: Ask George Pataki directly, Newspaper birth announcement


Rick Perry

Full name: James Richard Perry
Birth date/place: March 4, 1950, Haskell, Texas
Birth time: 10:40 am, Rodden Rating: AA
Rick Perry ADB page


Marco Rubio
Full name: Marco Antonio Rubio
Birth date/place: May 28, 1971, Miami, Florida
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
FL birth certificate policies: “Office of Vital Statistics, Dept of Health. State office is only place you can get birth certificate. Records kept from April, 1865; legally required from 1899; however, records before 1917 may be incomplete. Access restricted. Times are usually on the B.C. from early 1900’s to 1949 but may not be recorded from 1949-1969 in some counties.” Hopefully this means that times were recorded regularly after 1969.
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Marco Rubio directly


Rick Santorum

Full name: Richard John Santorum
Birth date/place: May 10th 1958, Winchester, Virginia
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
VA birth certificate policies:
Notes:  “I ordered Rick Santorum’s newspaper birth announcements from the Handley Regional Library in Winchester, Virginia. Unfortunately, both birth announcements from the Northern Virginia Daily and the Winchester Star did not include a time of birth.

Winchester Star, May 12th 1958, pg. 6:

“Births/May 10: To Dr. and Mrs. Aldo Santorum, Martinsburg, W.Va., a boy, Richard John. Mrs. Santorum is the former Miss Catherine Dughi.”

Northern Virginia Daily, May 13th 1958, pg. 2:

“Births at Winchester Memorial Hospital: Dr. and Mrs. Aldo Santorum of Martinsburg, VA Center, are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a son, Richard John, on May 10 in Winchester Memorial Hospital. Before her marriage Mrs. Santorum was Miss Catherine Eileen Dughi.”

Remaining options: Asking Rick Santorum directly
Rick Santorum ADB page


Donald Trump

Full name: Donald John Trump Sr.
Birth date/place: June 14, 1946, Jamaica, NY
Birth time: 10:54 AM, Rodden Rating: AA
Donald Trump ADB page


Scott Walker
Full name: Scott Kevin Walker
Birth date/place: November 2nd, 1967, Colorado Springs, CO
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
CO birth certificate policies: “Denver Vital Records. Records kept from 1910. Time usually recorded, but inconsistent. Access restricted.”
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Scott Walker himself




Lincoln Chafee

Full name: Lincoln Davenport Chafee
Birth date/place: March 26, 1953, Providence, RI
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating X
RI birth certificate policies: “Rhode Island Dept of Health. Records kept from January 1, 1853; prior to that, Town Clerk. Time recorded 1933-1956 and 1961 to present. Access restricted.” VitalChek corroborates this: “Rhode Island birth certificates may be ordered online by the person named on the certificate, a member of his/her immediate family.”
Remaining options: Asking Lincoln Chafee himself, Newspaper birth announcement


Hillary Clinton

Full name: Hillary Diane Rodham
Birth date/place: October 26, 1947, Chicago, IL
Birth time: 8:02 am, 8 pm Rodden Rating: DD
IL birth certificate policies: “Illinois Dept of Public Health, Division of Vital Records. Records dated from January 1, 1916; prior to that, county records. Time given in standard time from 1916 but not consistently and not in every hospital. The prevailing time was legally used since April 29, 1959. Access restricted. (Romy Ransom writes, “You can get the B.C. if the person was born 75 years or more ago (death records for 20 years and more ago), as they fall in the genealogy category.)”
Remaining options: Asking Hillary to publish her birth certificate
Notes: When Hillary has been asked in person about her birth time recently, she has tended to say 8 pm. This however contradicts the account in an alleged 1992 article in the Chicago Sun-Times in which her mother says she was born “in time for breakfast”. At other times Hillary has said 8 am. It would not be the first time someone mixed up their am’s and pm’s. This unfortunately illustrates that direct quotes from the candidate in question can still be unreliable. The only document that could settle the question is the birth certificate, although there isn’t a guarantee the time is on it. A birth announcement was not published at the time of her birth as far as I can find, although even if there is one the time is not guaranteed. I personally lean toward the 8 am time due to how eminent the chart is and how well I see the chart matches up with important political developments in her life. Proceed with caution with Hillary’s birth data.
Hillary Clinton ADB page


Martin O’Malley

Full name: Martin Joseph O’Malley
Birth date/place: January 18, 1963, Washington, DC
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
DC birth certificate policies: “Vital Records Branch, Research & Statistics Division. Time usually recorded from 1907. Access restricted”
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Martin O’Malley himself


Bernie Sanders

Full name: Bernard Sanders
Birth date/place: September 8, 1941, Brooklyn, NY
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
NY birth certificate policies: “Vital Records Section, NY State Dept of Health. Records kept from 1914; prior since 1880 in the City Registrar where the birth occurred. Times may be recorded as early as 1900. Access available for births prior to 75 years ago and known to be deceased. Takes two to three months.”
Notes: While Bernie is 73 years old, he is far from deceased! We may eventually be able to get Sanders’ birth time through public channels, but not in any relevant timeframe.
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Bernie Sanders himself


Jim Webb
Full name: James Henry Webb Jr.
Birth date/place: February 9th 1946
Birth time: Unknown, Rodden Rating: X
MO birth certificate policies: “Vital Statistics. Records kept from January 1, 1910. Prior to that, county records. Time given intermittently. Access restricted. No time in 1949. Judy Johns writes, “I have no idea when MO started putting birth times on the BC’s. I also called the St Louis office to verify the time of birth. They checked to see that I had ordered the record, then called me back to verify the time.” She was able to get Kenneth Lay’s B.C. from MO.”
Remaining options: Newspaper birth announcement, Asking Jim Webb himself


I will do my best to update this article as soon as any new information arrives, and if you have a tip or update on the birth time of a candidate, please let me know and I will add it to this list! Thank you!

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