You’re probably going to hear a lot about Jupiter in Sagittarius from now through next year from horoscopes to astrologers talking online. Before I talk about what it will mean for you and your chart, I’d like to show what it means and how it has played out in the real world before. First of all, let’s define the timeframe we’re talking about.
- November 8th 2018 – Jupiter enters Sagittarius
- December 2nd, 2019 – Jupiter leaves Sagittarius for another ~12 years
What does Jupiter in Sagittarius mean in astrology?
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, whose gravity is so powerful it protects Earth and the inner solar system from the threat of incoming comets and asteroids. Jupiter’s cycles are regular, balanced and stable, its phases with the Sun span in even thirds around the sky, evoking the strength and stability of the triangle. Accordingly, Jupiter signifies benevolence, expansiveness, wealth, opportunity, stability, trust, faith, confirmation, friendship, gifts, talent, honors and wisdom. Jupiter also shows where there is abundance and excess, what is blessed and honored. It’s a heroic benefic, associated with Zeus and Thor, the lightning-wielding gods.
Jupiter has two homes, one in the diurnal mutable fire sign of Sagittarius and one in the nocturnal mutable water sign of Pisces. Jupiter in Sagittarius is the diurnal side of Jupiter, one which emphasizes its warmth over its wetness. While Jupiter in Pisces plumbs to the depths for wisdom, Jupiter in Sagittarius rises to the heights for truth like an arrow. In Sagittarius, Jupiterian significations of opportunity, abundance, positivity and fun lie in conventionally expected places – through the acquisition of wisdom and knowledge, travels and adventures, bonds of friendship, release from imprisonment, forgiveness of past transgressions, exploration and discovery through orthodox religion or philosophy, the optimism and desire to better the world through wisdom and beneficence. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, everything has the capability of being a grand affair, an opportunity for redemption and improvement or seeking a higher truth. This is a good time for philanthropists, professors, religious leaders, philosophers, authors, travelers, etc.
What does Jupiter in Sagittarius mean in practice?
It’s hard to get a pure example of what Jupiter in Sagittarius means by itself because the last few times Jupiter has been in Sagittarius it has been in some other configuration with another planet which alters its outcomes according to the nature of that planet. Here’s what I mean.
1971 Jupiter in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius – Funky Far Out New Age
Jupiter’s cycle with Neptune is about where abundance, optimism, faith, wisdom and goodwill meet fantasy, idealism, mysticism and synthetics. This was a year characterized by popular escapism, magical marvels and spectacles, big dreams, boundless faith, the power of myth, grand illusions, recreational psychedelics, mass hypnosis. This cycle is coincident with developments in popular media, the entertainment industry, movies, video games, television.
- IMAX invented
If Neptune is cinema, then Jupiter’s conjunction expands it. In this case Jupiter literally just expanded it with the invention of IMAX technology in 1971. It’s literally just a huge wide high resolution format for movies. If you’ve seen a movie shot on IMAX cameras projected on an IMAX screen you know it’s going to be a true spectacle. - Lucasfilm founded
In 1971, George Lucas started the movie studio that would forever change cinema through the invention of the blockbuster, which became apparent through the Star Wars phenomenon and the Indiana Jones movies, some of the biggest movies of the 1970-1983 Neptune in Sagittarius age of blockbuster cinema. - Walt Disney World opens
Disney is an essentially Jupiter-Neptune company (more on that in a moment), which nakedly capitalizes on people’s beloved myths, trafficking in nostalgia, fantasy and futurism. Of course then a colossal entertainment resort like Walt Disney World where the fun lasts forever but all that glitters isn’t gold was opened on October 1st, 1971 when Jupiter was conjunct Neptune. - Video Game Industry begins
Space Wars, the first commercialized video game was released in 1971. If you thought movies were Neptunian for being addicting immersive fantasy worlds, it’s got nothing on video games.
1982-1983 Jupiter in Sagittarius conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius – Grand Eureka
Jupiter’s cycle with Uranus is about where abundance, optimism, faith, wisdom and goodwill meet revolution, disruption, innovation and electricity. It tracks the lifecycle and evolution of eureka moments, marvelous breakthroughs and grand revolutions in knowledge and wisdom. This time period was notable for a few miraculous inventions:
- The Internet
It was on January 1st 1983 that ARPANET was migrated to TCP/IP, which created the digital infrastructure known as the Internet. The significance of the Internet cannot be understated. This virtual bridge would eventually allow anyone to connect over a great distance, aptly described by Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius. - Cell Phones
AT&T laid down the first cellular network in 1983, and the FCC approved the world’s first commercial cellular portable phone on September 21st 1983. This new infrastructure allowed people to be called from anywhere to anywhere, similar to the Internet created earlier in the year, well represented by the dynamics of Jupiter and Uranus in Sagittarius. - GPS
On September 16th 1983 GPS technology became available for civilian use. A cartographical technology which operates by sending and receiving signals to and from a satellite is pretty appropriate for Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius. - 3D-Printing
Chuck Hull invented the first 3D-printer, an invention that may take on greater significance now that Uranus has reached Taurus.
1994-1995 Jupiter in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces, Tempered Expectations
Jupiter’s cycle with Saturn is about where abundance, optimism, faith, wisdom and goodwill meet structure, limitations, conservatism and fears. It tracks the lifecycle and evolution of cultural structures and organizing philosophies as expressed through law and politics, a dance between the desire to make things better and the desire for things to stay the same. The confidence of Jupiter in Sagittarius was challenged by a sobering square from Saturn in Pisces. This dynamic played out in several vivid ways in the political ream in late 1995.
- Government Shutdowns
A classic liberal-conservative (Jupiter-Saturn) standoff ensued between President Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich which caused the longest government shutdown in US history, which started on November 14th 1995, when Jupiter in Sagittarius was closest to squaring Saturn in Pisces. - Yitzhak Rabin Assassination
On November 4th 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli citizen who’d opposed Rabin’s unprecedented advancing of the Israeli-Palestine peace process. One of the significations of Jupiter is peace, but also associated with faith and religion. Saturn is not just “challenges”, but more specifically associated with limits and the weakening or defiling of something. Rabin was almost certainly on his way to achieving a broader peace with Palestine (Jupiter) before he was stopped by his assassination (Saturn). His assassin believed Rabin was a traitor to the Jewish people, so he also embodied the idea of Jupiter’s corruption by Saturn. With Rabin’s death, the Israel-Palestine peace process was sabotaged for a generation as right-wing Benjamin Netanyahu claimed power for the next two decades and counting. - Dayton Peace Accords
On December 14th 1995, the Dayton Peace Accords officially ended the Bosnian war. While peace is a Jupiterian ideal, Saturn seems to have had the final word. Even 20 years on, Bosnia is described as being in a state of “absence of war, but never quite at peace”.
On the theme of Jupiter’s faith scrutinized by Saturn’s doubt, this issue of Time Magazine was released on December 18th 1995, the day of a Sun-Jupiter conjunction square Saturn.
2006-2007 Jupiter in Sagittarius square Uranus in Pisces – Smartphone Revolution
- Smartphones
The first smartphone, the iPhone, was released on June 29th 2007 over the course of the Jupiter-Uranus square across Sagittarius and Pisces, and of course represented a technological revolution for cell phones. This was also appropriate for Apple since the company was started at the 1976 Jupiter-Uranus opposition across Taurus and Scorpio, the Internet came into existence at the 1983 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius and Steve Jobs himself was born at the 1955 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Cancer. It fit the pattern of disruptive beneficial and profitable technologies. - Google Streetview
Google Streetview was first launched on May 25th 2007, a tool which allows you to place yourself virtually in any location on Earth. Too poor for a vacation? Go globe-hopping with Google Streetview.
December 2007 – Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius – The Titanic Giver and Taker
Jupiter’s cycle with Pluto is about where abundance, optimism, faith, wisdom and goodwill meet extremes, distortion, tyranny and radioactivity. It tracks the lifecycle and evolution of big philanthropy, big business, enlightened plutocracies and benevolent dictatorships. People tied into this cycle try to increase conventional goods through extreme measures and other treacherous morally compromised methods.
- NewsCorp Buys Dow Jones
On December 14th 2007, Rupert Murdoch bought Dow Jones for $5bn, acquiring the Wall Street Journal in the process, a massive media takeover. Given Jupiter’s associations with wealth and knowledge/publishing, this makes quite a bit of sense. Another more recent massive media purchase was Jeff Bezos’s acquisition of the Washington Post on August 5th 2013, when Jupiter was opposite Pluto. So this definitely seems to be part of a pattern. - European Countries Approve Lisbon Treaty
The European Union passed the Lisbon Treaty on December 13th 2007. While it inserted more checks and balances within its own operations, it also centralized authority in the EU away from individual nation-states. A Jupiter perhaps too empowered for its own good. Ironically, it also spelled out a procedure for any countries to follow who wish to leave the EU, although no one anticipated that the UK would actually follow through with a Brexit less than 10 years later. What empowered Jupiter also poisoned it. - The Dark Side of Philanthropy and Charity
Several news stories from this time highlighted bad charities and the blurred lines between philanthropy and influence-buying. This prompted the IRS to revamp its 990 Form to hold non-profits accountable with more transparency. For example, it was first reported in this month that Saudi Arabia was one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation, in the middle of Hillary Clinton’s 2007 primary run for President. - Great Recession – December 2007 was singled out as the month the Great Recession began. It is almost as if Jupiter as a signifier of wealth was “poisoned” by its conjunction with Pluto, and this is when the recession began.
2018-2019 – Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, Magical Marvels and Grand Illusions
So we know automatically that this time may bear some resemblance to the 1971 Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius, a year of addicting fantasy and grand distractions and escapism in movies, TV shows and gaming. There is one particular company that catches my eye when it comes to all things Jupiter-Neptune…
- Disney, a Jupiter square Neptune Company
Disney itself was started on October 16th 1923, at a Jupiter-Neptune square across Scorpio and Leo, so this Jupiter-Neptune square of 2019 will be a recurrence transit. This will be a watershed year, a real high point for the company. I wonder why? Well, Disney has announced that they’ll be releasing their own streaming service Disney+ in the fall of 2019, very likely while Jupiter is still in Sagittarius square Neptune. Disney+ will offer the entire Disney catalog, along with new TV series featuring Star Wars and Marvel characters. It may be too good to resist, and we’ll binge to oblivion. - Marvel
Speaking of Marvel, Disney bought Marvel on August 31, 2009 when Jupiter was conjunct Neptune. This was an extremely profitable and expensive expenditure for the purpose of creating fantasy movie universes out of modern myths – how much more Jupiter-Neptune can you get than that? Here’s the crazy part though: Marvel has organized the Marvel Cinematic Universe into Phases, and these Phases just happen to match up with the quarters of the Jupiter-Neptune cycle.
[Update: Stan Lee, the founder of Marvel Comics and creator of classic characters such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Avengers and X-Men died on the day I originally published this. He was born December 28th 1922 with Jupiter in Scorpio square Neptune in Leo, the same one that Disney was formed under. RIP 🙁 ]
In 2019, Disney should make some serious money from the as-of-yet untitled Avengers 4, a mega movie event which will serve as the culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that retroactively began with Iron Man in 2008. In 2019, they’ll also be releasing their live-action remakes of Aladdin and Lion King, not to mention Frozen 2, which they’ll be releasing at the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius on November 2nd 2019. So they should make a particularly large boatload of cash this year while Jupiter is in Sagittarius.
This isn’t the only entertainment company that will be having a big year in 2019 though. The final season of Game of Thrones will be arriving in the summer of 2019 during the Jupiter-Neptune square. In other words, there will be no shortage of wonderful distractions and popular escapism on streaming services and in the multiplex, it will definitely feel like a corner has been turned. And we’re going to need these distractions as Saturn approaches ever closer to Pluto in 2019. And speaking of distractions…
- Nintendo – A Jupiter in Sagittarius Company
Nintendo was started on September 23rd 1889 when Jupiter was at 29 Sagittarius, originally as a card game company before it became famous for video games. While the astrology is actually quite complex here, what we can generally say is that each time Jupiter comes back to this area of the zodiac, Nintendo reaches new levels of popularity, expanding its possibilities and reaching new heights.
- 1983 Jupiter Return – NES/Mario Bros. Released
Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System on July 14th 1983 while Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius. This was also when they released the first standalone Mario game, and Mario of course would become Nintendo’s primary mascot, more recognizable to children than Mickey Mouse. - 1995 Jupiter Return- N64/Pokemon
On November 24th 1995, Nintendo first unveiled the N64 when Jupiter was in late Sagittarius, the next evolution in their video game consoles since the Super Nintendo. At the same time, the global phenomenon of Pokemon was about to be unleashed upon the world. The game was completed in October 1995 and was planned to be released on December 21st 1995, on the day of a New Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius, but the date got pushed back to February 1996. Interestingly the mascot for Pokemon is Pikachu, an adorable happy Pokemon buddy who shoots lightning bolts, which is funny when you consider Jupiter is associated with lightning-wielding gods… - 2007 Jupiter Return – Wii Dominance
While Nintendo had fantastic success with the Gameboy and Pokemon, Nintendo had struggled against Sony and Sega in the video game console wars since the N64. In late 2006, Nintendo released the Wii, a video game console using motion sensors that opened up video game play to everyone – kids, adults, the elderly. The broad appeal of the Wii propelled it past its competitors at Sony and Microsoft, and for the first time in 2007, Nintendo triumphed in the video game console market. Sales peaked from 2007-2008 and Jupiter and Pluto conjoined at 28 Sagittarius in December 2007, just 1 degree from the natal position of Nintendo’s Jupiter. - 2019, Nintendo’s Jupiter Return in Sagittarius – Detective Pikachu/Super Nintendo World?
The actual Jupiter return by degree will be in November 2019. In May 2019 Detective Pikachu will be released in theaters starring Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu in the first live-action Pokemon movie. We have no idea if this will be any good or not but this is definitely a new move from Nintendo, and fits in with the theme of Jupiter-Neptune and cinema. We also know that Nintendo is currently constructing a Nintendo theme park called Super Nintendo World. Yes there will be a Mario Kart ride! The only thing we know about timing is that they are supposed to open before the July 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, which seems to indicate that the Jupiter Return itself will be when it’s more or less complete, just as Pokemon and the N64 finalized by the 1995 Jupiter Return even though they weren’t released until 1996 when Jupiter had moved on into Capricorn. - Nintendo CEO’s – And if you think that’s all just flukes, then check out the natal charts of Nintendo CEO’s. Nintendo’s longtime former president Satoru Iwata was born on December 6th 1959, born with Sun conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius. Shuntaro Furukawa, the current Nintendo president was born on January 10th 1972 with Jupiter in late Sagittarius. It makes sense – for a company that started while Jupiter was in Sagittarius, one might expect that people associated with its success would have Jupiter in Sagittarius, and that their success and the company’s success would come during Jupiter in Sagittarius periods. And ultimately, what is the point of Nintendo? To have fun! Pure Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Echoes of 1852-1853?
The last time Jupiter was in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces was 1852-1853, at the height of the Victorian Spiritualism movement. The first church of Spiritualism was established in 1853 by David Richmond in Yorkshire. In a most literal manifestation of this aspect, a prominent politician and judge of the New York Supreme Court named John Edmonds created a huge controversy by converting to Spiritualism and wrote a seminal text on the subject in 1853. He eventually had to resign from his position as a judge over the public outcry in his belief in Spiritualism. (He was born at a Jupiter-Neptune opposition). It was even in this year that a song about Spiritualism called “Spirit Rappings” was released to great popularity. It’s hard not to draw a connection between the Spiritualism of the previous Neptune in Pisces period and the current wave of popularity and interest in out-there/weird-and-wonderful pursuits of magic/k and witchcraft in our own current Neptune in Pisces period. In 2019, this will likely have a similarly major moment as it did in 1853 for Spiritualism, and it will be interesting to see what Jupiterian leaders or celebrities might surprise us with a fondness for esotericism and mysticism.
So What Does Jupiter in Sagittarius Mean for Me?
My approach to this question is to go by your rising sign, rather than your Sun sign. It’s more individualized and can tell you more specifically what area of life Jupiter will be impacting by what whole sign house in your chart it occupies. If you don’t know your rising sign, find out by going to and fill in your birth date, birth time and birth place. Enjoy!
Aries Rising
If you’re an Aries Rising, Jupiter is entering in your 9th house. This suggests that you will experience opportunity, luck and benefits related to travel, foreign places or people, or achievements in higher education. This may be a time you gain a great friend or teacher who inspires you spiritually, religiously, philosophically or politically. This could be through a new fascination with a speaker, author or artist who connects you to what’s divine or upright in life, a broader prospective. You expand in these areas of higher knowledge, seeking new vistas and wisdom. Since Jupiter rules your 12th, these benefits and insights may come about especially through isolation and seclusion, and interestingly through challenges from enemies.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 8, 11, 20, 23, 31, 35, 44, 47, 56, 59, 68, 71, 80, 83, etc. If you’re born in the day time, the journey will seem more like you’re heading for a real destination, but if you’re born at night, the journey may seem more like just a pleasant detour or vacation. Pay special attention to November 19th 2018, May 6th 2019 and September 6th 2019 because these are times when your Ascendant ruler Mars is in harsh configurations with Jupiter, as you may find new truths through struggle, debates and challenges.
Taurus Rising
If you’re a Taurus Rising, Jupiter is entering your 8th house. This suggests that you will experience opportunity, luck and benefits related to the finances of others, especially profiting at others’ expense, whether that’s through their death or other losses – ease securing loans, inheritances, insurance payouts, court-ordered payments, etc. There may be the opportunity to have an advantage because of corrupt or underhanded practices. This can also be someone who becomes wise or gains knowledge about things which are not easily seen or known in a scientific or metaphysical context, such as alternate dimensions, subatomic forces and matter, unseen natural forces and the supernatural, the phenomenon of ghosts, what happens after death, etc.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 7, 10, 19, 22, 30, 34, 43, 46, 55, 58, 67, 70, 79, 82, etc. If you’re born in the day time, the benefits afforded to you may have more legitimacy, but if you’re born in the night time, what you receive may feel unearned or undeserved. Pay special attention to the Venus-Jupiter conjunctions in Sagittarius around January 22nd 2019 and November 24th 2019, because this is when your Ascendant ruler Venus conjoins Jupiter, an especially blessed time.
Gemini Rising
If you’re a Gemini Rising, Jupiter is entering your 7th house. This suggests that you will experience opportunity, luck and benefits related to marriage and partnerships. It may be a time of great reconciliation if there have been problems, and if you’re single you may find your options expand. If you have a partner, they may provide the right connection you need for your advancement, or your partner may experience some great honor or success. There is the great potential for growth and reconciliation and friendships with opponents, a good time to mediate conflicts between others, such as a judge would do.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 6, 9, 18, 21, 29, 33, 42, 45, 54, 57, 66, 69, 78, 81, etc. If you’re born in the day time, this experience should be more distinctly positive and long-lasting, but if you’re born at night, this may feel more like a temporary relief, a window of opportunity. Pay special attention to the Mercury-Jupiter conjunctions in Sagittarius, around November 27th 2018 and around December 21st 2018, because this is when your Ascendant ruler Mercury interacts with Jupiter, a bit of a chaotic time but also fun!
Cancer Rising
If you’re a Cancer Rising, Jupiter is entering your 6th house. This suggests that you will experience opportunity, luck and benefits related to people and places where you are with subordinates, or where you yourself are a subordinate, such as your job. There can be ease in advancing in one’s career, a time where you might be likely to win ’employee of the month’ or win greater latitude or freedom in your job, a more relaxed schedule, or higher pay. This may also be a time when any health issues improve, either due to a new medication, a new health regimen or a great new doctor. You may get special breaks from people who work in service, or you may have great results and a good relationship with one’s employees or other people who work on your behalf.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 5, 8, 17, 20, 28, 32, 41, 44, 53, 56, 65, 68, 77, 80, etc. If you’re born in the day time, the experience should be more distinctly positive, but if you’re born at night it may be more modestly positive. Pay special attention to the full Moons aspecting Jupiter around November 23rd 2018 and June 17th 2019 because this is when your Ascendant ruler the Moon interacts with Jupiter at its fullest.
Leo Rising
If you’re a Leo Rising, Jupiter is entering your 5th house. This suggests that you will experience opportunity, luck and benefits related to the realm of entertainment, recreation, leisure, children and youth, conventional people and places associated with having a lot of fun. If you have children, this may be a great time to restore and improve your relationships with them. If you don’t have children, this may be a great time to take charge of a new creative project, lead in the production/direction of creative or recreational enterprise. What you make, spend and give simultaneously enriches you in this time period.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 4, 7, 16, 19, 27, 31, 40, 43, 52, 55, 64, 67, 76, 79, 88, etc. If you’re born in the day time, this fun can be taken to an appropriately extravagant, grand, epic scale, but if you’re a night birth, it may all be a bit excessive and end up costing you in some way. Pay special attention to the Sun-Jupiter conjunction around November 25th 2018 and the Sun-Jupiter opposition around June 10th 2019, because this is when your Ascendant ruler the Sun interacts with Jupiter, the grandest most fun times of the year.
Virgo Rising
If you’re a Virgo Rising, Jupiter is entering your 4th house. This suggests that you will experience opportunity, luck and benefits related to one’s home and parents, or land and real estate. If you own a home, this may be a great time for a renovation project, to give yourself more space. If you rent, this may be a great time to rethink your living space or move to improved accommodations. This might not be a terrible time to hit up your parents for advice or a favor if they’re still around. This may be a time you inherit or discover “treasures” of a sort, either literally in the ground or something from your family history, wisdom from your ancestors, an heirloom.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 3, 6, 15, 18, 26, 30, 39, 42, 51, 54, 63, 66, 75, 78, 87, etc. If you’re born in the day time, this boon may be more substantial, but if you’re born at night this may be a more modest improvement. Pay special attention to the Mercury-Jupiter conjunctions in Sagittarius, around November 27th 2018 and around December 21st 2018, because this is when your Ascendant ruler Mercury interacts with Jupiter, a bit of a chaotic and uncertain time regarding the home or where “home” is going to be, but also a great opportunity.
Libra Rising
If you’re a Libra Rising, Jupiter is entering your 3rd house. This suggests that you will experience opportunity, luck and benefits related to one’s friends, siblings, neighbors, roommates, places close by in your neighborhood. This is a great time to make advancements through these close connections, keep in touch, closely listen to what they have to say. If you typically quarrel with these people it may be a good time to reconcile and build more constructive relationships. It may be a time you’re feeling particularly generous towards friends, or when you’re the recipient of a big favor from your buds. This may also be a time when you’re more willing to discourse, start a new blog or Twitter, subscribe to new media content, comment on forums and comments sections, write letters to a penpal or to the editor. You may be more willing and successful in challenging others while taking a less conventional point of view, delighting in your contrariness.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 2, 5, 14, 17, 25, 29, 38, 41, 50, 53, 62, 65, 74, 77, 86, etc. If you’re born in the day time, this may be more distinctly positive, but if you’re born at night this may be more neutral or inconsequential. Pay special attention to the Venus-Jupiter conjunctions in Sagittarius around January 22nd 2019 and November 24th 2019, because this is when your Ascendant ruler Venus conjoins Jupiter, especially fortunate times.
Scorpio Rising
If you’re a Scorpio Rising, Jupiter is entering your 2nd house. This suggests that you will experience opportunities for advancement, expansion and luck in matters of wealth, possessions, material resources. Material gain is well supported in this period. As much as you gain though you have the potential to lose, especially through pursuits of pleasure since Jupiter rules your Pisces 5th house as well.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 1, 4, 13, 16, 24, 28, 37, 40, 49, 52, 61, 64, 73, 76, 85, etc. If you’re born during the day this will be more distinctly positive, but if you’re born at night this might also translate into wastefulness or hoarding. While you try to save, you may find circumstances require you to forcefully cut into profits, especially when your Ascendant ruler Mars harshly interacts with Jupiter around November 19th 2018, May 6th 2019 and September 6th 2019.
Sagittarius Rising
If you’re a Sagittarius Rising, Jupiter is entering your 1st house. This suggests that in some sense, you will become like Jupiter yourself, in appearance and nature. You may get a more jolly, large, strong, stout and cuddly appearance. You may get a well-traveled, professorial or academic look, ready for a hike or nose in a book. You may be more optimistic and full of goodwill, your sense of generosity more on the surface, embodying nobility, magnanimity, indulgence and jovial energy in ways that are more readily apparent. You may find yourself in the role of Jupiter, bringing a bit of hope, comfort, consolation, laughter, wisdom and kindness to the lives of others. This may be a time where you get a bit of breathing room in your life, let off the hook or freed from some responsibility or punishment. You should find the transit rewarding and gratifying.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 0, 12, 15, 24, 27, 36, 39, 48, 51, 60, 63, 72, 75, 84, 87, etc. If you’re born during the day this will be distinctly positive, but if you’re born at night it will be modestly positive and prone to excess or overconfidence. You will find the phases, ingresses and stations of Jupiter most relevant, since Jupiter is your Ascendant ruler.
- November 8th 2018 – Jupiter enters Sagittarius.
- November 13th 2018 – Jupiter heliacally sets, disappearing into the Sun’s beams.
- November 26th 2018 – Sun-Jupiter conjunction at 3 Sagittarius.
- December 8th 2018 – Jupiter heliacally rises, appearing from the Sun’s beams.
- April 11th 2019 – Jupiter stations retrograde at 24 Sagittarius.
- June 10th 2019 – Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius, at its brightest opposite the Sun.
- August 11th 2019 – Jupiter stations direct at 14 Sagittarius.
- December 2nd, 2019 – Jupiter leaves Sagittarius.
Capricorn Rising
If you’re a Capricorn Rising, Jupiter is entering your 12th house. This suggests that you will experience redemptive encounters with enemies or strangers. You may be shown mercy and forgiveness by your enemies even if you don’t deserve it, or you will have to come to terms with showing mercy and forgiveness to your enemies even if they don’t deserve it. You may even be lucky on account of the generosity or mercy of people unbeknownst to you, a beneficiary of the kindness of strangers, or this is where your own kindness is directed, towards outcasts and strangers. Your enemies may be Jupiterian figures: politicians, priests, professors, teachers. You may benefit from retreats, walkabouts and secluding from the world occasionally.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 11, 14, 23, 26, 35, 38, 47, 50, 59, 62, 71, 74, 83, 86, etc. If you were born during the day, these experiences will be at their more positive range of meanings, but if you were born during the night, these experiences will be more modest. This will be somewhat of a detour from the regularly scheduled programming of your life because your Ascendant ruler Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, in aversion to Jupiter for its whole transit through Sagittarius, except for brief antiscia contacts formed around January 26th 2019, July 26th 2019 and September 21st 2019.
Aquarius Rising
If you’re an Aquarius Rising, Jupiter is entering your 11th house. This suggests that you will enjoy gifts, awards and rewards for what you’ve done, enjoying high esteem among your professional colleagues for things you’ve done. Your greatest benefits in this year come about as a result of these relationships and alliances. It may be a time you join or lead in forming a group, alliance, organization or association for a profession, industry, trade, or field of inquiry. You may be able to request and dispense significant favors of and for friends.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 10, 13, 22, 25, 34, 37, 46, 49, 58, 61, 70, 73, 82, 85, etc. If you were born during the day, these experiences will be more distinctly positive, but if you were born at night they may be more modest. This will be somewhat tangential to what the main focus is of your life because your Ascendant ruler Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, in aversion to Jupiter for its whole transit through Sagittarius, except for brief antiscia contacts formed around January 26th 2019, July 26th 2019 and September 21st 2019.
Pisces Rising
If you’re a Pisces Rising, Jupiter is entering your 10th house. This is a great time to take action and get attention, to go forward with doing what you’ve been thinking about. You may enjoy an improved and ennobled reputation. You may have a conspicuous call to civic duty and public service, to correct the wrongs of the world in some way. You may easily achieve trust and acclaim to assume responsibilities and highly visible roles, especially ones requiring high ethical and moral standards. This may also describe one’s bosses, who are encouraging and supportive like a friend or parent, who help move you up through the ranks.
This transit will take on this meaning for you especially if you were born with Jupiter or other planets in Sagittarius, especially if you’re age 9, 12, 21, 24, 33, 36, 45, 48, 57, 60, 69, 72, 81, 84, etc. If you were born during the day, these experiences will be more distinctly positive, but if you were born at night they may be more modest. You will find the phases, ingresses and stations of Jupiter most relevant, since Jupiter is your Ascendant ruler.
- November 8th 2018 – Jupiter enters Sagittarius.
- November 13th 2018 – Jupiter heliacally sets, disappearing into the Sun’s beams.
- November 26th 2018 – Sun-Jupiter conjunction at 3 Sagittarius.
- December 8th 2018 – Jupiter heliacally rises, appearing from the Sun’s beams.
- April 11th 2019 – Jupiter stations retrograde at 24 Sagittarius.
- June 10th 2019 – Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius, at its brightest opposite the Sun.
- August 11th 2019 – Jupiter stations direct at 14 Sagittarius.
- December 2nd, 2019 – Jupiter leaves Sagittarius.
Thanks for this helpful article! I do hope you’re writing some books on your areas of interest. Your writing is clear, cogent and entertaining, and I’m sure your work would be well received.
Love your research and writing.
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